
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Treaty of Waitangi group discussion

In our discussion with Mrs Tofa we talked about the Treaty of Waitangi. The things
we talked about was when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in the 1840’s and
the marriage they talked about was now a divorce. And about the freedom that
the Maoris wanted. We also talked about genocide. We also learned that
genocide means when someone takes the lifes of a large amount of people
from a certain nation or ethnic group. Another thing we also found out
was that they couldn’t speak Te Reo in schools because it was against the
rules. We also talked about how their language was suppressed by force
and how they were finally recognized in 1980 as a culture and how they
finally had a voice. Another thing we also found out is that it took them
140 years to be recognized as a culture and 32 years later they're still
fighting the system for retribution.

Water Fun Day - 2021

 On Friday 5th of February, was an interesting and fun day. We all had tons of fun, splashing water on each-other and spraying each-other with the hose and laughing and enjoying today.

First all the classes and students sat on the grass and the teachers started explaining to us the instructions for each and every activity. After the teacher explained to us the instructions we all got sent to our stations and waited for the bell to be rang. Room 7 got called and we all got up and went to our first game which was “ Lava Flow “ with Mrs Tofa (Our Teacher) and Mrs Raj (Deputy Principal). We waited for the bell to go so we could begin the games. 2 minutes later the bell rang and we ran on top of the bench, zig zagged around the cones and went through the hula hoop and ran and tipped the water into our buckets and waited for the bell to go so we could switch stations.

After the bell went again we switched and went to Mrs Atuahiva (Teacher Aid) and Mrs Pa’uvale (Teacher Aid) who were doing the water slide. As they were explaining the rules to us the bell went and the girls started while the boys waited in line. After we all had our turn of going down the slide the bell went and we all switched and we went to “SpongeBob” With Mrs Holmes and Mrs Ripata. The instructions were to wet the sponge and make the sponge over and under until it gets to the last person they have to run and squeeze the sponge into your house colouerd buckets and run back and redo what we just did.

After 5 rounds of running with the sponge the bell went and we had to go to the swimming pool with Whea Moana and Mrs Naidu. When we got there the teachers told us to find a partner so we could all have a race. I partnered up with Penelope and she got up on my back and we started running towards the other side and we had to swim back to the other side. After the race the teachers said we could have fun in the pool and just enjoy the swim. After 5 or 10 minutes of swimming the bell went and we went up to Mr Nath’s Station called “Holy Moly” the game is about running with a cup filled with water but had a lot of holes into which is why the game is called Holy Moly. We all had turns one by one and after the bell went we all got wet with the hose and then we finally got to our last activity which was with Mrs Maunel & Mrs Pome’e. Her one was to take a water balloon and walk across the benches and go over and under the desk and hop through the hula hoops and go through the hula hoop on the ground and walk around the bench and run to our house coloured bucket and pop the water balloon in the buckets and run back to our station.

After we finished our last activity, all the classes got called to the courts to present our house chants and to present the winning house. We all got to the courts and sat down in our house colours. I’m in blue ( Nikau ) and I am a house leader for the Nikau House and I really enjoy being a house leader and being a role model towards others. After Kauri (Green) and Kowhai (Yellow) had their turns with their chants it was our turn, me and Mason (The other House leader) got up and started our house chant, after we went it was Rata’s (Red’s) turn to do their chant. After every house had a turn with doing their chants it was time to say the winning house… We all waited for the teacher to present the winning house and 5 seconds after she shouted the winning house which was… KAURI !!!. It was an AMAZING day. On Friday I really enjoyed playing in the water and in the sun.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Last Week we had our first lesson of sewing. The yr 8’s were split into two groups. Group one had Me, Uinita, Taijah, Maria , Soane, Jino, Gideon, and Ali-jon. First Wheae told us what we’ll be making during this term. We decided to make pencil cases for a start

We got straight into sewing and Whaea showed us how to cut out our fabric, pin and sew. After her lesson we got started. We cut our fabrics the size we wanted, *the smaller your size the harder to sew*.

After we got our fabrics we went onto our zips. Everyone found a zip that is the same length as their cut out fabric. We then pinned our zips onto the fabric. Then after we pinned, we started sewing. We sewed and sewed ‘til we finished sewing the zips on.

Whaea gave us instructions to step 2, pinning the sides. We pinned what was needed to be pinned and then got onto sewing. Whaea showed us what needed to be sewed. We sewed a lot of times and after so many mistakes we finally succeeded. Thank you Whaea for teaching us how to make a pencil case.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Maths - Term1 Week2 - February 2021

 Today Tahi was working with Mrs Tofa for maths and we learned a lot of interesting things like tidying up numbers and me and my group used place value partitioning to solve the maths question ' 923 - 587 '. It was hard but at the same time easy. When we all finished our maths problem each group got up and presented to everyone our math strategy and had to explain what we meant about the maths. Me and my group split up the numbers to try and make the math question easier to understand. And after we presented our maths strategy's that was the end of our maths!


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Swimming - Term 1 Week 1 2021 - February


Today Room 7 had swimming at 9:40am with our swimming instructor to learn how to stay safe in case of big waves while swimming at a beach.

Our first lesson she taught us was how to catch your breath while swimming. She said “when you need to catch your breath while swimming, you have to roll on your back then roll back on your stomach after you have caught your breath”. After she explained they all started following the instructions.

After lesson one she told us lesson two. The second lesson was: swimming on top of the water then diving down. She started explaining it to the class and demonstrated for them. She said “first youse start swimming slowly on the top then once youse hear the whistle get ready to dive in and pull yourself down while swimming”.

After she had finished explaining lesson two she moved on to lesson three: which was “hand signals”. She said “first you lay face down into the water then once you guys hear the whistle you have to roll onto you back and put one hand up and leave you other hand under and try to find me and swim to me”. After she explained everyone tried it out and a lot of people were struggling but then they started to understand.

For the last lesson she taught was about: waves. She said “the most dangerous thing about swimming at a beach is the waves, waves are big and scary so i’m going to ask the boys to line up on the wall of the pool and start pushing up and down to make big waves for the girls to swim through” all the boys started pushing up against the walls creating big waves. After the girls went it was the boys' turn to swim through the waves. The girls lined up against the wall and started pushing against the walls creating big waves for the boy to swim through. After every did their part it was time to get out and that was the end of swimming.